#meTU was formed in 2022 to stamp out sexual violence, harassment and bullying in the trade union and labour movement.
Demanding change
We’re a group of women and non-binary survivors fighting for transformative and structural change. The very institutions that are supposed to fight for equality and improve conditions at work are not walking the walk when it comes to the treatment of their staff and elected representatives.
Since 2020, three KC led independent investigations have concluded widespread bullying and harassment and abuses in major trade unions. Despite a number of very reasonable and sensible recommendations to address these problems, nothing has changed.
Demanding better
Lip service and simply creating more management positions will not address the problem. Even small promises from the TUC, like engaging with us on roundtable discussions and setting up helplines, have amounted to nothing. The TUC led training that has been delivered has not resulted in any concrete improvements.
Making a difference
Despite this, we continue to support sisters who want to speak out. We have published a number of very important videos testimonials exposing the rot and played a major role in the removal of a prolific sexual predator, alongside other perpetrators, heading the TSSA transport union.
Increasing our voice
We are present and visible at all major trade union conferences and events. We have gained widespread support in the movement but it doesn’t stop there.
We want more sisters and supporters to come forward and help us build the campaign further to achieve the transformative change that is desperately needed, not just for the staff or the representatives who are elected, but to make our trade unions fit for purpose for the 21st century.
Join us today.

The TUC and all unions to conduct independent and transparent inquiries into structural sexism, harassment and bullying, similar to the Monaghan report, including collusion and complicity in staff unions.
Drop NDAs
End the use of non disclosure agreements (NDAs) to silence women victims of sexual harassment, and other cases which would normally merit whistleblowing, and to commit to justice for all those previously silenced by NDAs.
Take action
Robust and effective action is taken against perpetrators of violence in our movement.
Include women
Adopt the Sisters to the Front sexual violence charter and make an action plan with the full participation of women reps, staff and networks, for transformative change and real representation and democracy in our unions.
Increase visibility
Enable motions and meTU fringe meetings at all conferences. We welcome the motion passed at NEU conference to fully support meTU. We call on all other affiliates to follow suit.
If you need further help and support
Rights of Women
The Rights of Women run telephone advice lines to provide vital free and confidential legal advice to women, helping women to understand the law and your legal rights.
You can contact them here
Rape Crisis
Rape Crisis centres provide free, specialist support and services to local women and girls who have experienced rape, child sexual abuse, sexual assault or any form of sexual violence.
You can contact them here
Can't Buy My Silence
Can’t Buy My Silence is a campaign set up to stop the use of non-disclosure agreements NDAs to silence victims. If you are unable to speak out in public, you can add your testimony anonymously.
You can contact them here